Methylsuccinic Acid Data

The tables of data for the pure aqueous acid are given below.

(1) Osmotic Coefficients from Bulk Solution Measurements

     m        osm        t     uncert.   ref.     weight
  0.300      0.9762     25.0   0.055(a)   a        1.0  
  0.400      0.9555     25.0   0.041(a)   a        1.0  
  0.500      0.9339     25.0   0.033(a)   a        1.0  
  0.564      0.9116     25.0   0.029(a)   a        1.0  
  0.568      0.9068     25.0   0.029(a)   a        1.0  
  0.600      0.9119     25.0   0.028(a)   a        1.0  
  0.700      0.9065     25.0   0.024(a)   a        1.0  
  0.800      0.9144     25.0   0.021(a)   a        1.0  
  0.900      0.9155     25.0   0.018(a)   a        1.0  
  1.000      0.9189     25.0   0.017(a)   a        1.0  
  4.184      0.6109     25.0   0.042(b)   b        1.0  
Notes and References