Data for Aqueous NH4NO3

The System

The sources of data reproduced here are listed in Table 3 of Clegg et al. (1998). Fits of the model are also described that paper.

S. L. Clegg, P. Brimblecombe and A. S. Wexler (1998) J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 2137-2154.


The values listed in the tables are based upon those used in the fits of the model. However, they have been normalised for each type of measurement so that the maximum weight for a data point in each table is always unity. Points given zero weight are those which either appear to be in error, or are used for comparison only (and were not fitted).

The Data

Follow the links to see the data used to fit the E-AIM activity coefficient model. Notes at the end of each table define the listed quantities, and identify the sources of the measurements.