Pitzer Model Parameters

This page lists the Pitzer activity coefficient interaction parameters used in the model. Shown first are the β(0), β(1), β(2), C and C parameters for the interactions of single cations with single anions. Columns "a1" and "a2" list values of constants α1 and α2 that apply to each cation - anion pair. The column "Limit" gives the upper limit of molality (where known) for each set of parameters in pure aqueous solutions of the electrolyte. A "*" in the column "Fit" indicates that the parameters were not taken from the paper of Harvie et al. but are from other (usually later) studies which present equations for the parameters as functions of temperature.

Next, parameters that apply to mixed solutions are listed (only those that are non-zero). These are θ(cc') and θ(aa'), followed by ψ(cc'a) and ψ(aa'c) where a and a' are two distinguishable (different) anions, and c anc c' are two different cations.

Last, the parameters for interactions involving neutral species are listed: λ(nn'), λ(nc), λ(na), μ(nn'c), μ(nn'a) and ζ(nca), where n and n' are two distinguishable neutral solute species. Again, only non-zero values are listed. Note that we have adjusted the values given by Harvie et al. for CO2 - ion interactions from a basis of λ(CO2,H) = 0.0 to λ(CO2,Cl) = 0.0 in order to be consistent with values for ammonia interactions.

A number of parameters are not known and are therefore set to zero. These are mainly ternary ( θ(ii') and ψ(ii'j) ) parameters for interactions between ions in the model of Harvie et al. and those added by us (NH4+ and NO3-).

See Pitzer (1991) for a full description of the model, and equations for activity and osmotic coefficients. The extended equations used here (which include the additional parameter C) are given by Clegg et al. (1994).


K. S. Pitzer (1991) Ion interaction approach: theory and data correlation. In 'Activity Coefficients in Electrolyte Solutions', 2nd Ed., ed. K. S. Pitzer, CRC Press, Boca Raton, p279-434.

S. L. Clegg, J. A. Rard and K. S. Pitzer (1994) thermodynamic properties of 0 - 6 mol kg−1 aqueous sulphuric acid from 273.15 to 328.15 K. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 90, 1875-1894.

************************* PITZER MODEL PARAMETER LIST ************************

 CaTIONS:  7                  ANIONS:   7                   NEUTRALS:  4

 SYMBOL         CHARGE        SYMBOL         CHARGE         SYMBOL       
 H               1.0          HSO4            1.0           NH3          
 NH4             1.0          SO4             2.0           CO2          
 Na              1.0          NO3             1.0           CaCO3        
 K               1.0          Cl              1.0           MgCO3        
 Ca              2.0          HCO3            1.0                        
 Mg              2.0          CO3             2.0
 MgOH            1.0          OH              1.0

 CONDITIONS: ------------------------------------------------------------------

 PRESSURE:      1.00 BAR

 ION INTERACTION PARAMETERS: ---- calculations at constant temperature --------

 B, C (+-) TERMS AT  25.00 C:

   b0       b1       b2    C0(phi)    C1(phi)  a1   a2     -Ions-     Limit Fit
  0.2959  0.4005    0.00  -0.011316  -0.8187  2.00       H      HSO4    6.0  *
 -0.0084  0.3147    0.00   0.028828  -0.9155  2.00       H      SO4     6.0  *
  0.1168  0.3546    0.00  -0.005390   0.0000  2.00       H      NO3     6.0
  0.1769  0.2972    0.00   0.000724   0.0000  2.00       H      Cl      6.0  *
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       H      HCO3       
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       H      CO3        
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       H      OH         
  0.0328  0.4684    0.00   0.002307  -0.6974  2.00       NH4    HSO4    6.0
  0.0374  0.5345    0.00  -0.000616   0.4646  2.00       NH4    SO4     6.0  *
 -0.0020  0.0879    0.00  -0.000086  -0.0230  2.00       NH4    NO3    40.0
  0.0548  0.2132    0.00  -0.003304  -0.0694  2.00       NH4    Cl      6.0
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       NH4    HCO3       
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       NH4    CO3        
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       NH4    OH         
  0.0454  0.3980    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Na     HSO4       
 -0.0173  0.7534    0.00   0.011745   0.0000  1.40       Na     SO4     4.0  *
  0.0068  0.1783    0.00  -0.000720   0.0000  2.00       Na     NO3     6.0
  0.0806  0.2631    0.00   0.000525  -0.0201  2.00       Na     Cl      6.0  *
  0.0277  0.0411    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Na     HCO3       
  0.0399  1.3890    0.00   0.004400   0.0000  2.00       Na     CO3        
  0.0864  0.2528    0.00   0.004255   0.0000  2.00       Na     OH      6.0  *
 -0.0003  0.1735    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       K      HSO4       
  0.0000  0.6179    0.00   0.009155   0.0000  1.40       K      SO4     0.7  *
 -0.0816  0.0494    0.00   0.006600   0.0000  2.00       K      NO3     3.8
  0.0481  0.2188    0.00  -0.000788   0.0000  2.00       K      Cl      4.8  *
  0.0296 -0.0130    0.00  -0.008000   0.0000  2.00       K      HCO3       
  0.1488  1.4300    0.00  -0.001500   0.0000  2.00       K      CO3        
  0.1298  0.3200    0.00   0.004100   0.0000  2.00       K      OH      5.5
  0.2145  2.5300    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Ca     HSO4       
  0.2000  3.1973  -54.24   0.000000   0.0000  1.40 12.0  Ca     SO4        
  0.2108  1.4090    0.00  -0.020140   0.0000  2.00       Ca     NO3     2.0
  0.3053  1.7081    0.00   0.002142   0.0000  2.00       Ca     Cl      4.0  *
  0.4000  2.9770    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Ca     HCO3       
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  1.40 12.0  Ca     CO3        
 -0.1747 -0.2303   -5.72   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Ca     OH         
  0.4746  1.7290    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Mg     HSO4       
  0.2151  3.3663  -32.77   0.027919   0.0000  1.40 12.0  Mg     SO4     3.0  *
  0.3671  1.5847    0.00  -0.020620   0.0000  2.00       Mg     NO3     2.0
  0.3511  1.6512    0.00   0.006507   0.0000  2.00       Mg     Cl      4.5  *
  0.3290  0.6072    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Mg     HCO3       
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  1.40 12.0  Mg     CO3        
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       Mg     OH         
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   HSO4       
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   SO4        
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   NO3        
 -0.1000  1.6580    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   Cl         
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   HCO3       
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   CO3        
  0.0000  0.0000    0.00   0.000000   0.0000  2.00       MgOH   OH         

 MIXTURE PARAMETERS ----------------------------------------------

 THETA(++) TERMS:                       THETA(--) TERMS:
   -0.0190        H      NH4              -0.0060        HSO4   Cl                   
    0.0360        H      Na                0.0926        SO4    NO3                  
    0.0050        H      K                 0.0200        SO4    Cl                   
    0.0920        H      Ca                0.0100        SO4    HCO3                 
    0.1000        H      Mg                0.0200        SO4    CO3                  
    0.0044        NH4    Na               -0.0130        SO4    OH                   
    0.0124        NH4    Mg                0.0160        NO3    Cl                   
   -0.0120        Na     K                 0.0300        Cl     HCO3                 
    0.0700        Na     Ca               -0.0200        Cl     CO3                  
    0.0700        Na     Mg               -0.0500        Cl     OH                   
    0.0320        K      Ca               -0.0400        HCO3   CO3                  
    0.0070        Ca     Mg                0.1000        CO3    OH                   
 PSI(++-) TERMS:                 
                  -0.00865          H      NH4    HSO4
                  -0.02245          H      NH4    SO4
                  -0.01000          H      NH4    NO3
                  -0.00910          H      NH4    Cl
                  -0.01290          H      Na     HSO4
                  -0.00300          H      Na     NO3
                  -0.00400          H      Na     Cl
                  -0.02650          H      K      HSO4
                   0.19700          H      K      SO4
                  -0.01000          H      K      NO3
                  -0.01100          H      K      Cl
                  -0.01500          H      Ca     Cl
                  -0.01780          H      Mg     HSO4
                  -0.01100          H      Mg     Cl
                  -0.00326          NH4    Na     SO4
                  -0.00310          NH4    Na     Cl
                  -0.04390          NH4    Mg     SO4
                  -0.02490          NH4    Mg     Cl
                  -0.01000          Na     K      SO4
                  -0.00120          Na     K      NO3
                  -0.00180          Na     K      Cl
                  -0.00300          Na     K      HCO3
                   0.00300          Na     K      CO3
                  -0.05500          Na     Ca     SO4
                  -0.00700          Na     Ca     Cl
                  -0.01500          Na     Mg     SO4
                  -0.01200          Na     Mg     Cl
                  -0.02500          K      Ca     Cl
                  -0.04800          K      Mg     SO4
                  -0.02200          K      Mg     Cl
                   0.02400          Ca     Mg     SO4
                  -0.01200          Ca     Mg     Cl
                   0.02800          Mg     MgOH   Cl
 PSI(--+) TERMS:                 
                  -0.00842          HSO4   SO4    NH4
                  -0.00940          HSO4   SO4    Na
                  -0.06770          HSO4   SO4    K
                  -0.04250          HSO4   SO4    Mg
                   0.01300          HSO4   Cl     H
                  -0.00600          HSO4   Cl     Na
                   0.00660          SO4    NO3    Na
                  -0.00460          SO4    NO3    K
                   0.00140          SO4    Cl     Na
                  -0.01800          SO4    Cl     Ca
                  -0.00400          SO4    Cl     Mg
                  -0.00500          SO4    HCO3   Na
                  -0.16100          SO4    HCO3   Mg
                  -0.00500          SO4    CO3    Na
                  -0.00900          SO4    CO3    K
                  -0.00900          SO4    OH     Na
                  -0.05000          SO4    OH     K
                  -0.00600          NO3    Cl     Na
                  -0.00600          NO3    Cl     K
                  -0.01700          NO3    Cl     Ca
                  -0.01500          Cl     HCO3   Na
                  -0.09600          Cl     HCO3   Mg
                   0.00850          Cl     CO3    Na
                   0.00400          Cl     CO3    K
                  -0.00600          Cl     OH     Na
                  -0.00600          Cl     OH     K
                  -0.02500          Cl     OH     Ca
                   0.00200          HCO3   CO3    Na
                   0.01200          HCO3   CO3    K
                  -0.01700          CO3    OH     Na
                  -0.01000          CO3    OH     K

 NEUTRAL SPECIES PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------

 LAMBDA(N,N)      SPECIES               MU(N,N,C)          SPECIES      
  0.01478         NH3    NH3           -0.000750      NH3    NH3    NH4 
                                       -0.000311      NH3    NH3    Na  
                                       -0.000321      NH3    NH3    K   
  0.01750         NH3    Na                                             
  0.04540         NH3    K                                              
 -0.08100         NH3    Ca             MU(N,N,A)          SPECIES      
 -0.21000         NH3    Mg             0.000000      NH3    NH3    SO4     
 -0.00500         CO2    H             -0.000437      NH3    NH3    NO3     
  0.09500         CO2    Na             0.000625      NH3    NH3    CO3     
  0.04600         CO2    K                                                                                   
  0.17300         CO2    Ca                                                                                    
  0.17300         CO2    Mg                                                                                    
 -0.00500         CO2    MgOH           ZETA(N,C,A)        SPECIES
                                       -0.009180      NH3    NH4    SO4            
                                        0.023100      NH3    K      OH    
 LAMBDA(N,A)      SPECIES              -0.008040      NH3    Ca     Cl    
  0.14000         NH3    SO4                                              
 -0.01000         NH3    NO3            
  0.18000         NH3    CO3            
  0.10300         NH3    OH             
  0.00200         CO2    HSO4         
  0.10700         CO2    SO4           
  0.00500         CO2    HCO3                                          
  0.01000         CO2    CO3                                           
  0.00500         CO2    OH                                            