Model I:  H+ - SO42− - NO3 - Cl - Br - H2O

Parametrics:  lapse rate

Here, an air parcel (of initial volume 1 m3) containing an aerosol is moved adiabatically over a range of pressures in the atmosphere. The equilibrium state of the aerosol is calculated for the corresponding changes in temperature and relative humidity. A maximum of 100 points can be generated. Further information on the input and output, and the assumptions made in these calculations, can be found here.

First, choose the form of output required:

Normal       Column       Graph

Next, specify the problem in the input fields below.

Atmospheric Pressure

The air parcel is allowed to move between a minimum of 500 mb and maximum of 1000 mb pressure. Enter the range of pressures, within these limits, followed by the number of points to be calculated:

Start value:      End value:      No. of points:

Ambient Conditions

Enter the initial temperature and relative humidity of the air parcel:

Temperature (180 - 330 K):      Relative Humidity (0.1 - 1.0):

Ionic Composition in Moles per m3

H+:     SO42:
NO3:     Cl:     Br:

Other Chemical Components

The amounts of organic compounds present can be entered here. First, click the button to select compounds from the library or create new ones for this session.

Trace Gases

Check the boxes below to disable the partitioning of selected trace gases into the vapour phase. (The default for each gas is that partitioning is calculated.)

Prevent partitioning of the following gases:


Solid Phases

Check the boxes below to prevent the formation of selected solids, as many as desired. This enables the properties of metastable, supersaturated, aqueous aerosols to be investigated. (The default for each calculation is that all solids can form.)

Omit the following solids:

Ice H2SO4 · H2O H2SO4 · 2H2O
H2SO4 · 3H2O H2SO4 · 4H2O H2SO4 · 6.5H2O
HNO3 · H2O HNO3 · 2H2O HNO3 · 3H2O
HCl · 3H2O

To submit your calculation, click here: